Sunday, 11 September 2011

Essay On Cinema - Its Use And Abuses

Essay On Cinema - Its Use And Abuses

Cinema is a changed of expression and communication. It was invented by Edison, an American scientists. The cinema plays on important role in the social, moral, political and economic life. D.G. Phalke produced the first Indian silent film, Raja Harishchandra in 1913.

The era of talkie films started in 1931 with the producing of Alam Ara. India is the largest producer of feature films in the world. The films are certified by the Central Board of Film Certification. Cinema is a source of entertainment, knowledge and employment. However, the sex and violence portrayed contaminate the minds of the people. The objective of films should be to educate, modify and to bring unity and harmony among the people.

Cinema is a film i.e... a story etc. recorded as set of moving pictures to be shown on screen of a theatre house and television. It is a channel of expression and communication. The cinemas one of the most important inventions of modern science. It was invented by Dison, An American scientist. It is a medium of instruction as well as recreation. The cinema plays an important role in the social, political, educational and moral life.

The history of Indian cinema began with the production of Pundalik by R.G. Torney and N.G. Chitre in 1912. This was followed by the production of Raja Harishchandra by Dhundiraj Govind Phalke in 1913. The latter is the first Indian silent film. D.G. Phalke is considered the father of Indian cinema. Women at that time were not allowed to perform in films. So, the female characters were played by men, dressed as women. The films were silent as there was no sound or dialogue. In 1931, the era of talkie films stared with the production of Alam Ara. Women also stared acting in films.

The early years of the 20th century saw a spate of film making by Indians. Hirala Sen, Jamshedjee Framjee Mada, F.B. Thanewala and Abdullaly Essofally were the pioneers who promoted the producing and exhibition of cinema during that period.

The talkie had brought revolutionary changes in the whole set up of the industry. It was during the thirties that attempts were made to produce talkie films in different regional languages. To see and hear a film in one's own mother tongue caused a mushrooming of film industries in all over India.

The cinema is making rapid progress in all counties. It is a visual medium. It has the advantage of cutting across linguistic barriers and age. It has certain advantages over both the press and the radio. The press and the radio require the knowledge of a particular language as an aid for understanding. To some extent film can be understood without any such knowledge.

India is the largest producer of features films in the world. Cinema has become very popular in India. it has become a part and parcel of our life. One can see a film at the theatre house or on one's television set. The video and the cable boom have further fueled the craze. Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai are the most important centers of film production.

Films can be exhibited in India only after they have been certified by the Central Board of Film Certification. The Board consists of a chairman and a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 25 members. The headquarters of the Board is located at Mumbai. Indian films are also popular in other counties. The export of Indian films is channelised through the National Film Development Corporation.

Cinema is a source of entertainment. it helps us to escape, for a while, form the worries and anxieties of life. It relieves us of tension. It provides us relaxation. It is also a source of employment to many. besides providing entertainment, cinema is also a source of employment to many. This field has become so famous that a large number of courses related to cinema, is being offered by almost all the universities.

cinema enlarges the frontiers of our knowledge. Wee can watch as well as know the culture, dress, language, customs etc. of people of different counties. A good film inspirers us and emboldens us to strive for a better life. we can gain knowledge of the political, social and economic conditions our our country. Educational films can benefit a lot to students in their studies. Films meant for children are also produced every year.

Cinema plays an important role in bringing about social reforms in our society. Social films show the evils of dowry, child marriage, unsociability, drinking, smoking, drug addiction etc. Cinema also highlights against communalism. It portrays how communalism poses a great danger to the unity of the country. The cinema promotes national integration. In a cinema hall, we always find a cross-section of people of all castes, religions, sexes, social and economic status.

Cinema became the most sacred and powerful medium of the modern age. We have an extremely valuable cultural and artistic heritage. The film directors have to explore this, but seldom they do so.
Cinema causes a lot of harm. Most of the films produced nowadays have little social content. They depict a lot of violence. pornographic details, rape scenes, robbery, theft, cheating murder, etc. They create a bad impact on the minds of the people. They contaminate the social and moral atmosphere of the society. They pollute the minds of youth. They initiate the young into the world of crime.

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